Middle School

Middle School

Middle School 

Artico Fracassi + Marco Zito

1900 M²


Udine, Italy

Elementary & Middle School

Located very close to poplar woods and a river in Buttrio (Udine), the middle school hosts grades 11-13 and includes a sports hall.

Middle School
Middle School

The school is the last development of an educational masterplan composed of 3 buildings: a nursery + kindergarten and a primary school.

The building acts as a transition between the natural environment and the mineral surfaces of the intervention.

Middle School
Middle School

The double-height atrium and the circulation system are intended as collective and active spaces where the students can interact and work everywhere in a flexible way.

Classrooms and labs are directly connected with this system and allow innovative and dynamic learning strategies.

Middle School
Middle School

The interior space extends fluidly to the outdoor landscape, the ground floor is highly transparent and allows us to perceive both spaces as a whole.

On the first floor, a double skin filters the sunlight, the differentiated stretch guarantees optimal protection from sunrays while allowing one to see the landscape outside.

Middle School

Middle School
Middle School
Middle School
Middle School
Middle School
Middle School
Middle School

Middle School
Ground floor plan
Middle School
First floor plan

Middle School
Site plan

Middle School