Eastern Design Office

Stone Garden Residence

Stone Garden Residence 

EASTERN Design Office

Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

Anna Nakamura And Taiyo Jinno/ Eastern Design Office

Koichi Torimura

235 M²




Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

We intended to create a bold atmosphere that great ‘emptiness’ such as sky, ocean, beach, and desert can bring about. In ordinary residential quarters, the architecture exists as if it comes from ‘the other world.’ This house has extraordinary power, just as mausoleums can.

Two walls

A window with a characteristic shape.

Cantilevered volume.

Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

The strong expression of this architecture is brought by focusing attention on above three architectural elements.

This simplified architecture is in pairs with huge stones in the garden, with the blue sky at dawn and sunset and with white moon. This simplicity reminds of the repose that one has forgotten.

Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

The wall, with a few openings on it, looks longer than its actual length- 47 meters. Curved walls and incremental changes in pavement level give this visual effect.

Only one opening on the facade located above the wall is in the shape of ‘Tower’. This is solitary a nostalgia to (recollection of) the real world.

Which scene can give stronger expression, pure natural landscape or combination of nature and artificial element? We want to make the natural landscape stronger by adding our work.

Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

Primitive shape of this architecture has same kind of strength that we can find in the nature – endless horizon, the moon crossing ridge of mountain.

Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura
Stone Garden Residence
© Koichi Torimura

Stone Garden Residence
Plan - 1st Floor
Stone Garden Residence
Plan - Ground Floor

Stone Garden Residence
Elevation 01
Stone Garden Residence
Elevation 02
Stone Garden Residence

Stone Garden Residence

Stone Garden Residence

Eastern Design Office
T +81 7 57086112 F +81 7 57086112
Eastern Design Office
547-3F, Anedaitocho, Kyoto Shi Nakagyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 604-8092, Japan