Battery House

Battery House
© Ricard López

Battery House

NORA studio

NORA studio



AutoDesk, BORA, Cype, Fet de terra, QUADRO, Trimble Navigation

Marina Munar Bonnin, Rafel Capó Quetglas, Pau del Campo Montoliu, Luca Lliteras Roldán.

Ricard López

2239 ft²


La Puebla, Spain


In Sa Pobla, we find this single-family house, built on an elongated plot between party walls.

The house has two floors and a large patio with a garden and pool.

Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López

Both the ground floor and the first floor share a simple operating scheme.

It is a main bay in the longitudinal direction -the space can be opened from the street to the courtyard-, accompanied by a second smaller and more compartmentalized bay, divided into pieces that develop the different functions of the house.

Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López

Este esquema "en batería" se traslada a la totalidad de la vivienda, llegando incluso a la calle, donde el alzado revela sus secretos a través de una materialidad muy marcada.

This second bay is the "battery" that gives life to the house, serving it with all required functionality and endowing the main bay with "the luxury of the emptiness".

This void is now a wildcard that will be able to flexibly accommodate more public uses (connecting with the street) and more private (with the courtyard) in addition to enlarging the sleeping spaces to a point where the idea of a bedroom as such is diluted on the first floor.

Battery House
Battery House
© Ricard López

This "battery" scheme is applied to the entire house, reaching even the façade, where the elevation reveals its secrets through very marked materiality.

On the other hand, on the south side, where we find the courtyard, a gallery protects the building from direct radiation in summer, creating a chimney that evacuates excess temperature,

Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López

while in winter it captures as much energy as possible in the form of heat, creating a thermal area that has the ability to release hot air at a slower pace, as required by the home.

Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López

Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López
Battery House
© Ricard López

Battery House
Battery House
Battery House

Battery House
Plan - 1st floor
Battery House
Plan - Ground floor