LC House

LC House
© Daniel Santo

LC House

Caracho Arquitetos

Caracho Arquitetos


Indusparquet, Deca, Docol, Elettromec, Lumini, Portobello, Tramontina, kitchens

Marcos Caracho, Daniela Bornia, Rodrigo Berbel, Alan Costa, Rafael Montanher, Leonardo Rodrigues, Eduardo Ferreira, Fernanda de Moraes

Daniel Santo

400 m²


Lençóis Paulista, Brazil


The house is located in Lençóis Paulista - SP, on a corner lot with a slight slope that influenced the design of the accesses to the residence. The layout is organized into three blocks: the garage, the social sector, and the private sector.

LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo

The garage is positioned at the lowest level of the terrain. Besides serving as a shelter for cars and motorcycles, it has a distinctive design that reflects the fact that the resident is a collector and has motocross as a hobby. The space also functions as a workshop and gym.

The garage walls are covered with rubber, and the space explores both artificial and natural lighting resources, benefiting from the two-level displacement of the ceiling, a feature that extends to other areas of the house.

An internal ramp connects the garage to the social hall, which serves as the intersection point between the other blocks and the street.

LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo

In the private block, there are bedrooms and an intimate space that opens up to a playroom.

All these spaces face the garden and are protected by a large eave, allowing the use of wood to accommodate windows and cover the entire block.

The social sector encompasses the living room, the guest bathroom, the dining room, and the kitchen in a single space, with a glass wall on each side extending across the entire area.

LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo

These windows retract completely within the masonry and integrate with a garden on one side facing the street, and on the other side, with the gourmet area, the sitting area, the pool, and the garden in the center of the lot, allowing for an adaptable configuration as needed.

LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo

LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo
LC House
© Daniel Santo

LC House
LC House
LC House
Section - A
LC House
Section - B
LC House
Section - C
LC House

LC House
LC House

LC House
Plan - Ground floor
LC House
Plan - Roof
LC House
Plan - Site