Sky Light Gallery

Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu

Sky Light Gallery

People's Architecture Office

Metro Land Corporation Ltd.

Zhe He, James Shen, Feng Zang

X Studio, X Studio, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Farmerson Architects

Quanyue Yang, Yanni Tang, Hao Wen

Yingzi Yuan, Quanyue Yang, Hongdou Zhang

Yumeng Zhu, People’s Architecture Office

Rong Zhou

Beijing Shouan Architectural Structure Studio, Su Liu/Beijing Shouan Architectural Structure Studio

April to September 2021

Date: December 2021

300 m²


Mentougou, China


The Sky Light Gallery consists of a composition of abstract geometric forms that compliment the picturesque landscape of Mentougou on the outskirts of Beijing.

Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu

The building is sited on an elevated location that overlooks the grounds of TANKO Park. Sky Light Gallery anchors the culmination of a prominent park route and functions as a hub for exhibitions and events

The striking geometries of the building are formed to serve various functions. The lower half of the creased facade deforms to integrate public seating, inviting visitors to occupy the facade and enjoy the gallery’s outdoor area.

Sky Light Gallery
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office

The facade separates to reveal openings to the gallery’s interior. Towering pyramidal structures act as light wells, bringing in sunlight into the interior while also serving as landmarks recognizable from a distance within and outside the park.

Inside, the entirety of the gallery ceiling is covered by a grid of skylight modules that attenuate daylight from above.

Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office

Each module, intricately crafted into twisting hyperbolic paraboloid forms, diffuses natural light from above, bathing the space in a consistent, luminous glow, ideal for showcasing exhibitions.

Simulations accounting for various seasonal light conditions were conducted to ensure no direct sunlight enters the space and fluctuations in natural light are greatly reduced.

Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu
Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu

The skylight modules filter out strong sunlight and produces an interior illuminated by soft and even daylight.

Artificial lighting is integrated into the bottom frame of the skylight modules. At night or on cloudy days, diffused artificial lighting is reflected downwards into the gallery space.

The lighting also accentuates the sculptural quality of the ceiling’s design.

Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu

The geometry of the skylight modules consist of a hyperbolic paraboloid form of that is created by surfaces that stretch across the edges and the diagonals on each face of a cube.

The customized modules are made of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GRC) and set within a steel frame.

Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office

TANKO Park, a beloved public space, is renowned for hosting a plethora of cultural facilities and events, enriching the community's cultural experiences.

The Sky Light Gallery is one of seven projects in the park designed by PAO.

Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office

Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office
Sky Light Gallery
© People’s Architecture Office

Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu
Sky Light Gallery
© Yumeng Zhu

Sky Light Gallery
Axonometric - Sky Light Gallery
Sky Light Gallery
Floor Plan
Sky Light Gallery
Section of facade with integrated public seating
Sky Light Gallery
Detailed Section

Sky Light Gallery
Long Section
Sky Light Gallery
Short Section
Sky Light Gallery
Short Elevation
Sky Light Gallery
Long Elevation

Sky Light Gallery
Site Plan of Sky Light Gallery
Sky Light Gallery
Site Plan Park

Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies 01
Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies 02
Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies 03

Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies in autumnal equinox 01
Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies in autumnal equinox 02
Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies in autumnal equinox 03
Sky Light Gallery
Light simulation studies in autumnal equinox 04
Sky Light Gallery
Artificial light simulation studies 01
Sky Light Gallery
Artificial light simulation studies 02

Sky Light Gallery
Section views of interior lighting
Sky Light Gallery
Axonometric - Park
Sky Light Gallery
Axonometric - Combined Sky Light Modules
Sky Light Gallery
Axonometric - Individual Sky Light Module