HT House

HT House 


HT House
© Trieu Chien


Nguyen Dinh Thang

Trieu Chien

238 M²


Hà Tĩnh, Vietnam


HT House
© Trieu Chien

The house is located in a quiet, idyllic alley for a family of three generations, including a Grandmother, a couple, and their 3 children.

When opening the door, the desire to live in a house may touch nature with spaces filled with natural sunlight and wind. This kind of house always brings a feeling of peace and happiness when all members gather and reunite.

HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien

On the trapezoidal land, together with the homeowner's needs, the design team had calculated the layout of main functions such as living + dining + the first-floor kitchen space, the sleeping space of second and third floors surrounded by the auxiliary functions such as elevator areas, restrooms,... and especially gardens with large trees.

Space follows space from the front garden - front porch - living room - dining room - back porch - back garden.

HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien

The front yard, front porch, and garden create layers of useful space that minimize the impact of climate, noise, and dust while also recalling the traditional house space of the past.

Interspersed lotus gardens surrounding functional spaces provide natural light and wind to help the building operate well, always full of energy and vitality.

The house with two facades and exterior views is optimized by raising the foundation on the first floor, combined with a natural stone fence that is sufficiently high but still ensures privacy.

HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien

The construction uses a modern, coherent architectural language combined with green space and finished materials to create a simple, harmonious, and luxurious overall.

The interior lighting scenario of the house is also a very important part, requiring Architects to pay attention to every detail and each architectural space.

Natural daylight makes the house stand out with the beauty of its shapes, materials, and daily activities. Artificial light at night brings depth to the architectural space and shows intimacy and warmth.

HT House
© Trieu Chien

HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien
HT House
© Trieu Chien

HT House
HT House

HT House
Plan - Ground Floor
HT House
Plan - 1st Floor
HT House
Plan - 2nd Floor

HT House
Front Elevations
HT House
Right Elevation

HT House
Section AA
HT House
Section BB